I Remain Present- Affirmations


By Misty J. Dickerson

I remain present when things get tough,
Breathing deeply into the now.

I bask in the rawness of human emotion,
Honoring the vast feelings arising.
Wading in the turquoise waters of my essence,
I float lightly in this space.

As waves of tears are delivered to my shore,
I surrender with a blank mind.
It’s the heart’s turn to speak,
Quiet now.

I arrive for myself,
Creating space for truth,
Offering the gift of silence to my mind,
I exist.

I let the storytelling go, there's no need to know,
Yet a deep calling to be held.
I own this space, I hold this place, and I allow.

Breathing out every story that enters my mind,
Inhaling a fresh and clear perspective,
I am empowered in this moment.

I am here.
I am now.

When the tides get high, I get high too,
Breathing with the natural currents of my being,
Until the waves mellow out and once again I am floating.

The waters are still and it’s safe to think, act, speak.
I've arrived, I've allowed, I am here.
I trust my process.