I am a Mother-
My most loved role, my biggest dream come true, my guidance, my teacher, my life~
Juniper, my first born daughter, age 6 yrs, & Maverick Noble my first born son, age 5 years old~
I am a Woman-
Striving to keep my individual self nourished, passion-filled, and growing everyday. Valuing individual growth as much as I value my children's growth. Striving to never stop learning, excited to grow with my children forever~
I am a Lover-
I Love LOVE! Approaching life and motherhood through the eyes and intentions of love~
I am a Lover at heart and it is my duty to spread the essence of love through my actions, duties, and passions. I am a lover to my amazing husband, Shane. We met in 2012, Free spirited beach dwellers, the rest is in the making, the rest is forever. Two babies later, still dreaming at the beach together at every chance we get, planning outdoor travel and adventures to share with our little loves~
I know, i know . . . living in a tiny home “Skoolie'“ is totally in right now, and I am part of that hype!
Well, I am here to tell you what it is really like living and Mothering in a Tiny Home School Bus!
I’v now been adventuring with my two toddlers, puppy, and my love Shane since April 2018. Holly heck what a dream come true it is, but also….. holy hell none of those Tiny Home Instagrammers ever told me about so many of the things I have experienced. So here it is, I’ve written about the top 10 things you should REALLY know about before moving into a mobile tiny home with your family!
"Raising 2 under two is more cuteness than I could've ever imagined, more diapers than I could ever count, and more cries than I can handle at times. It is the ultimate test of my personal capabilities and more motivation than I have ever embodied. It is the strongest push I've ever felt in the mornings, to wake up and be my absolute best each and every day at every single moment. Thank you eternally Juniper Jame and Maverick Noble." ~Mommy Misty Jame
As we enter the realm of new motherhood our sleep deprivation and concern for baby can get the best of us if we don't have the right help. After delivering our newborn, sleeping enough to heal and keep our sanity can be a real struggle and can even seem unattainable at times. I remember staying awake some nights praying for help, not really knowing what help meant. Well, I finally found the answer for you mommies out there who need more peace of mind and sleep! Owlet baby monitor is the new best friend to the sleep deprived mother and father! . . .
This Mayo recipe is quick and easy! It takes just about 5 minutes to prepare! Feel good about eating Mayo when you know exactly what goes into it~
ncredible manoeuvrability, lightweight, durable, and comfortable for my babies!
I absolutely LOVE our new Mountain Buggy Duet Stroller! I've had this stroller for almost 4 months now and it is definitely the perfect stroller for us. Both of my children fit comfortably in the seats and enjoy the smooth ride. As an infant my son was able to lay in the seat when it was completely reclined back. He is now 4 months old and the straps easily adjust small enough to hold him in a safe seated position. My daughter is almost 2 years old and she loves her stroller! When I bring it out she runs right over to it, climbs in, and attempts to strap herself in. . .
Have you ever taken the time to think about what's in your child's toys? What are they made of and where do they come from? What is in your supplements and creams? How do they affect your health?
These are all very important things to ponder. Children and babies are very likely to put their toys in their mouths and rest their gentle skin on them. Little ones are also likely to to get into your products, lick the sunscreen off of their arms, and are much more sensitive to chemicals than you might be. Many toys are made out of toxic plastic or other materials that have not been tested for safety. Wood toys can be a safer alternative but don't forget to consider the paint that covers them. Finding safe toys for our children these days isn't as easy as you'd think! . . .
As a young mother of 2 young children I am faced with the dilemma of whether my children should be exposed to, allowed to use, or play with technology. There are many views and opinions about this and I respect many of them. In my perfect world I would live in a more secluded area away from the city, away from telephone lines at each corner, away from televisions at each gas pump, media on billboards and so on. I'd live in a place where we went to the neighbor's house to deliver a message and walked to the local store to place an order. However, this is currently not my immediate reality. As I thought hard and long about this came to a place of realizing the most important thing is to be truthful with myself and my children about our current reality. . . .
Basil is a natural Anti-inflammatory, enjoy this pesto while healing your body~
This is a super Delicious and very simple recipe for my favorite Pesto! Make a few batches at a time and freeze some in a reusable jar for future meals!
After my journey of labor and delivery it seemed to me that I would never be able to catch up on sleep, recollect enough energy to go on strongly, or break out of my delusional state of being. I felt as if I were in an airy dream coated with sweet babies and doused with achiness that would never fade away. So. . . it is one month later now and I STILL feel these things! However I must say with each day the delusional state fades away a little bit more and the dream I am in becomes more acceptably my reality. . .
As many mothers enter the mid stages of pregnancy they begin to wonder, get excited about, or anxious about their babyshower. "What will it be like? Is anyone going to throw one for me? Who do I invite? Can I host it myself? Should I make a registry?" There are so many questions that can go running through a mother's mind and I have one simple answer from my experiences of having 3 baby showers . . . make it what YOU want it! After all, it is your pregnancy, your baby, and your dream come true...
I am blessed and excited to share the news and experience of the arrival of our first born son, Maverick Noble, born naturally by Mommy Misty Jame on January 10th at 6:46pm with the wonderful support of Daddy Shane. 8 hours of loving labor brought the birth of a perfectly healthy baby weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches tall~
As my 41st week of pregnancy was coming to an end the excitement and anticipation was growing stronger and more curious. I called my close friend Colette late at night and told her how ready I was to meet my baby boy. We had a long nice conversation ending with a silly story that had us both laughing intensely for minutes. This strong laughter just so happened to initiate a strong contraction! The night continued and so did those contractions!.....
Hi Mommas! I am just about 40 weeks into my second pregnancy now awaiting the arrival of my babyboy and have successfully avoided stretch marks once again! I am blessed, thrilled, and eager to share my way of achieving this!
"At the threshold of delivering a new life into this Earth, still in awe at the magic in my first born baby, captured in wander at life itself. Motherhood was meant for me, I was born to create life" ~ Mommy Misty Jame
The further I allow myself to slip into and disappear fully into the world of Motherhood and creation of life, the more comfortable and fulfilled I am with my duty here on this Earth. As the rest of socializing becomes distant and the focus magnifies on the village I am creating and part of with my family, I begin to feel safer and can rest softly into my role. Babyboy is coming soon...
Hi Mommas! I'd love to share the awesome goat milk formula recipe that I discovered and used when weaning my baby Juniper off of breast milk. I fully breastfed June up until she was about 10 months old. At this point I was already a few months into my second pregnancy and my body was giving me signs that it could use a break between breastfeeding my two babes. I was getting weak and tired and Juniper was energetic and drinking more and more of me everyday. I visited every health food store I knew of and read the ingredients of their "healthy" formulas and could not get myself to feed any of them to my daughter. There are so many horrible unneeded additives to them all including corn syrup solids, fillers, preservatives, and artificial flavorings. I was loosing hope and energy in my search for a healthy formula, continuing to breastfeed Juniper as she needed me.
Thankfully my wonderful mother in-law was also doing research and found an incredible recipe by Mt. Capra...
My mother in law shared this recipe with me and I am so glad she did, I can't get enough of it! This is the perfect treat for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or any day you want that cozy pumpkin smell to fill up your home!
I brought some to share with some lovely expectant mommy friends recently and they asked for the recipe so I figured I'd share it with all of you! Enjoy!
"Today I will not fold the laundry...
Today I will not make the bed...
Today I might not wash my face...
But today I will rest.
I will not be supermom,
and I might not look my best
but I choose to hide the to do lists, and rest my baby on my breasts.
We breath together, giggle, snooze and munch,
Have goat yogurt and bananas, no cooking for lunch.
Stretch, breath, cry, laugh, set my hormones free
today is dedicated to healing me." ~ Mommy Misty Jame
One of my greatest lessons learned as a mother is the importance of self care and sufficient rest. The need to know when to disappear from all of life's requests and take care of yourself...
We are having a little Dude!! We are stoked!
Shane and I watched the ultrasound screen closely as the technician went over each little body part and it was clear as day, I am growing a little boy inside of me! Shane was especially pleased as this is what he had hoped for, his very own son~
It is amazing and an honor to me to have the privilege to carry, grow, deliver, and protect two baby humans as they grow and develop. It is even more exciting to me now that I have the opportunity to experience growing and raising both a woman and a man. We are all human but there are particular and natural differences between males and females. I have a deep feeling this process as a mother to both a daughter and son is going to grow me and balance me more than I could have ever imagined! For this I am so excited and grateful~
My children will be just about 15 months apart from each other in age ...
Today upon our return from the beach I laid my head down for my nap and Shane spent some quality time with Juniper. As I am entering my 3rd trimester of my second pregnancy my sleepiness is getting heavier and the need to rest my body for the big day becomes more demanding. I dozed off slightly hearing Shane telling me he was going to take Juniper somewhere. I trust him so I fell asleep without knowing where~
He woke me up about two hours later with hugs from Juniper and told me to meet him outside when I was up. I went outside and to my surprise he had begun planting our garden~ I was thrilled! We have been planning this together since we moved into our new home in June. I joined him and we worked together to plant the veggies, herbs, and succulents: eggplant, brussel sprouts, kale. cauliflower, mint, basil, and a variety of succulents. Shane had saved some fresh Tuna parts from a recent fishing trip near the east end of Catalina. He cut up the fish and planted it with our greens to nourish them and add to the fertilizer....
The answers to Motherhood’s most questioned situations lay within YOU~
Beyond any readings or lessons from a coach, a mother’s intuition knows best. The knowledge and answers to motherhood’s most trying situations lay peacefully within you. When baby is still in the womb you two are closer than you’ll ever be while you still nurture them in the sacred space of your body. After baby is born, your body, spirit, and soul still serve as the child’s main source of life and connection. The journey is sweet but can get confusing and rough at times. I find many women racking their brains, reading every google article out there, hiring and spending ridiculous amounts of money on expert advise when they are simply experiencing a natural state of pregnancy or parenting. The expectation of pregnancy and motherhood being easy is just ridiculous. WE ARE CREATING, GROWING, AND GIVING LIFE! When there is discomfort I find it most peacful, fulfilling, and helpful to look within~
What do I mean? ...
Sundays are my Family Day. It's often the only day of the week when my partner Shane doesn't have to work. He works long hours during the week getting home daily around 7:30 pm, if not later. This makes Sunday's extra special to us. One thing I've learned being a stay at home mom with a partner who works long hours is to make the time that we do have together really count! This is so important as it fills us both us with love, affection, and reconnects us at the start of every week. It also gives our baby Juniper (1 year old) quality time shared with both Mom & Dad. Being mindful that this is our family day, even marked on our weekly calendar, helps us to be extra caring, attentive, helpful, and sweet! This leaves us with a peaceful reassured heart every Sunday night which fuels us through the busy week.
Here's a peek at our recent Family Sundays~ ...
Hi all! It's Mommy Misty Jame~ I'm excited to be writing my first post on this blog page, I've been so excited to get it up and started! Thank you for visiting my page, please check out my about me section to get to know me a bit better, enjoy reading my posts, and please comment, let me know how you can relate or differ, and ask me any questions that come to mind. I am passionate about creating a strong and sweet network for mothers, sharing and teaching our wisdom to one another~
Love and Blessings,
Mommy Misty Jame~
I finally found it Mommas, THE best diaper bag/purse/backpack! Yes, it is all that and more!
I never wore a diaper bag with my first baby. I refused to purchase a plastic, colorful, boxish bag that looked like it was designed for a toddler. I never understood those. I instead just continued using a purse big enough for my baby essentials. This worked well enough but organization was always an issue. Lily Jade was literally what I always hoped for. . .