Captured in Wander at Life itself~
"At the threshold of delivering a new life into this Earth, still in awe at the magic in my first born baby, captured in wander at life itself. Motherhood was meant for me, I was born to create life" ~ Mommy Misty Jame
The further I allow myself to slip into and disappear fully into the world of Motherhood and creation of life, the more comfortable and fulfilled I am with my duty here on this Earth. As the rest of socializing becomes distant and the focus magnifies on the village I am creating, I begin to feel safer and can rest softly into my role. Babyboy is coming soon, within weeks or perhaps days and I am full with excitement! I can only imagine intensifying my life with more baby Love, an extra heart to care for, another being created by Shane and I. Parenthood is truly the most magical experience I have ever touched. My whole life I've lived by wanderlust and sought out magic. From travels and meditations high in the Altai Mountains of Siberia, to partying endless nights at festivals and different states, I thrived on thrill of experience. I finally feel like I found IT, my path, my purpose, my Journey. I am stoked knowing this is only the beginning of an endless growth~
I can feel my bond strengthen even more with baby Juniper as her brother's arrival gets closer. I almost feel like I am going to miss her when he arrives. I know she isn't going anywhere but the idea of sharing my attention and care with another is still new and unreal to me. I am enveloped fully into this sacred world of Juniper & I and adding another adorable baby of mine to this just seems ridiculously awesome and overflowing with heartmelt!
My feelings of gratitude to Shane as father, partner, and soulmate grow stronger and closer everyday of this journey together as parents, co-creators, and children of this Earth. Its been a wild windy beautiful experience with him ever since we first met, and adding children of our own to this experience only makes it more mystical and otherworldly. His support and belief in me as a full time stay at home Mother is the best gift to me and the children. I am honored to be in this partnership, thank you Shane~