A Mother’s Village
(humboldt county)
A mother's VIllage…
Ongoing gatherings open to all local mothers, women, children, and birth workers who want to thrive in village culture alongside fellow women in a beautiful sisterhood. Biweekly we gather in honor of providing the essential support that mother's and women truly need to thrive in their roles witin our community.
On 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month, we gather in sacred circle, share a nourishing meal, have our children safely socialize, thrive,ad play in our children's care room, and dive into a new topic related to growth and enrichment in our roles as mother's and women.
We are a group of incredible women in Humboldt County and we'd love to have you join us.
If you are new, please click below to get your invitation and details. We look forward to gathering with you soon.
♡ Misty J. D
A Mother's Village
“As a young mom in a small rural town it can be isolating and lonely to raise children in the hills of humboldt and the mothers village that Misty has created for us moms has really filled a void for myself and so many other rural moms in our community. Her weekly mothers circle is like a safe landing place for me and my kids when we make our trips to town, it gives us a place to decompress after a long commute and a place to let my kids be socialized and make friends while we share a nourishing meal and process some of the challenges of motherhood and uplift and encourage one another in our lives as mothers. I have been attending Misty’s mothers village
for over a year since my last child was just 3 months old and it truly has been a refuge for me and my kids. Some days as moms are just so hard and it makes all the difference to have a loving community to come to and have my children be cared for and looked after while I get a break and a relaxing moment to just be with older wise mothers who I can seek advice from, hear their stories and perspectives, and find resources in the community. Overall, my experience with the mothers village has been the most amazing thing. It is a very valuable asset to our community in my opinion helping mothers here flourish and find peace in their role as mothers.”
A Mother’s Village is a non-profit organization.
Instinctive Motherhood's mission through the A Mother's Village Project is to cultivate village culture through the facilitation of weekly nourishing mother's gatherings. In these support groups we bring back the use of art processing, drumming, song, and storytelling to invoke the creative within all women, allowing our community to heal, connect, and thrive through conscious village culture. We believe that village culture is the missing element in modern day society, and we are here to bring it back. "When women heal, families heal, and communities are stronger." - Misty J. Dickerson, Instinctive Motherhood