Children and Technology
As a young mother of 2 young children I am faced with the dilemma of whether my children should be exposed to, allowed to use, or play with technology. There are many views and opinions about this and I respect many of them. In my perfect world I would live in a more secluded area away from the city, away from telephone lines at each corner, away from televisions at each gas pump, media on billboards and so on. I'd live in a place where we went to the neighbor's house to deliver a message and walked to the local store to place an order. However, this is currently not my immediate reality. As I thought hard and long about this I came to a place of realizing the most important thing is to be truthful with myself and my children about our current reality.
Juniper spending time in the Sun with Ella's Phonetic Alphabet from Great iBook for learning the sound of the alphabets!
In our current reality it is very important to know how to use a telephone, how to use the computer, and how to navigate the basics of technology. We live in Los Angeles, CA and this city runs off of technology. My daughter Juniper is about 20 months old and she does everything mommy does. She brushes her teeth like mommy, she mixes the cookie batter like mommy, she brushes her hair just like mommy, and she surely wants to know how to use a phone, just like mommy does. In observing this nature of children and the desire to learn from their parents I feel it is my responsibility to teach Juniper what a phone is for, what a computer/iPad is for, and what a television is for. When taking the approach of teaching her and inviting her to use these things correctly and sparsely, I feel I am doing a better job than leaving her with the illusion that we can live without these things. I am teaching her that phones are for calling Grandma or for taking a picture of the beautiful flowers. The computer is for research, learning, and writing. Television is for an occasional family movie together or an educational children's show when mommy needs her rest. With this approach I am earning respect and trust from Juniper as I am treating her as an equal and with honesty. This method also leaves me 100% accountable to be using technology as little as possible as my actions are teaching her how to live her life.
In our home our most used technological device is used to play music. The rest is used as little as possible and I intentfully fill my days with the children reading books, playing outside in the sun, taking walks, playing with fun toys, and dancing up a storm~ When the rest of the day's fun filled activities outweigh the little use of technology I feel at peace with what I am teaching the kids, what is important to us, and what our reality is. With this approach Juniper still rather read a book, take a walk, or help mommy cook any time over using the computer or a phone.
Juniper's favorite activity is still playing in the Garden~ I can see her apply information she gets from her iBooks to real life every day. It is very impressive!
I hope this article helps some mommies out there. You are your child's major influence, teacher, and your approach to technology is your child's introduction.
With love,
Mommy Misty Jame