I Take Ownership Over Self Growth

Self growth. Women's empowerment.

I walk into self growth with a vengeance,
My traumas are what burns the path behind me.
There is no going back, only growth and better things ahead. 

I receive all the world has to offer in flowering growth.
I journey through unknown fields seeking truth.
Looking to the skies and smiling,
I have all I need within.

My petals unfold with grace as I walk humbly,
Dew builds under my eyes as I brave.
I surprise myself as I uncover hidden internal resources,
Bringing more awareness to the tools I hold deep within.

I cultivate the stimulation I need to keep the inner fire burning,
Pushing me kindly and steadily,
towards my highest potential.

I impress myself with my ability to change, grow, shift.
To observe pause, choose.
Skip, run, laugh through the lessons I embrace.

Seasons change,
I remain.
Willing, wanting, seeking for the places that grow me.

Spreading my seeds in abundance,
Where friendships and community of empowerment will stem from.

I am happy as I harvest new ways of integration,
Shattering long lived patterns.

I step into the realms of my dreams,
as I take ownership over my self growth.

by Misty J. Dickerson