Planting a Garden, Feeding the Soul~

Today upon our return from the beach I laid my head down for my nap and Shane spent some quality time with Juniper. As I am entering my 3rd trimester of my second pregnancy my sleepiness is getting heavier and the need to rest my body for the big day becomes more demanding. I dozed off slightly hearing Shane telling me he was going to take Juniper somewhere. I trust him so I fell asleep without knowing where~ 

He woke me up about two hours later with hugs from Juniper and told me to meet him outside when I was up. I went outside and to my surprise he had begun planting our garden~ I was thrilled! We have been planning this together since we moved into our new home in June. I joined him and we worked together to plant the veggies, herbs, and succulents: eggplant, brussel sprouts, kale. cauliflower, mint, basil, and a variety of succulents. Shane had saved some fresh Tuna parts from a recent fishing trip near the east end of Catalina. He cut up the fish and planted it with our greens to nourish them and add to the fertilizer....

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