Instinctive Motherhood

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Mommy Misty's Top Tips for Postpartum Healing

After my journey of labor and delivery it seemed to me that I would never be able to catch up on sleep, recollect enough energy to go on strongly, or break out of my delusional state of being. I felt as if I were in an airy dream coated with sweet babies and doused with achiness that would never fade away. So. . . it is one month later now and I STILL feel these things! However I must say with each day the delusional state fades away a little bit more and the dream I am in becomes more acceptably my reality. 

Baby Maverick Noble is now just a little over 1 month old and motherhood X2 has really begun to set in. I've been asked many times now how my postpartum experience is going with both Juniper (age 1) and new baby Maverick to care for.

Life this past month has been full of so many different emotions, experiences, growth, and love. Loving another being takes lots of energy and let me tell you, loving your postpartum self back to health takes everything you've got! It hasn't been an easy first few weeks but I am grateful as ever and learning every day. 

Some words that come to mind when trying to explain are: exhausting, love-filled, back-breaking, peaceful, strenuous, fulfilling, new. 

top TIPS for postpartum healing:

Sleep when baby sleeps, nap when baby naps!

I am serious! In order to break even enough to operate in those first few weeks and to be the best mother, being, and partner to anyone, you need to take care of yourself. From both of my postpartum experiences I have found that sleep is Golden and you cannot get too much of it, or even enough. Laying in bed with my children has become one of my favorite parts of my day as it bonds and rejuvenates us.

Dads this goes for you too! After rocking it and being the strength during labor and delivery you need rest just a much as momma and baby. Not to mention all of the extra tasks you are doing to help Mommy heal and get fed while juggling the rest of life's demands. When Mommy and baby are asleep jump in bed too! There is nothing more healing and sweet than a full family nap~

Eat nutritious foods and eat often!

Your body just gave plenty of its nutrients to baby in your belly for 9 months. It lost an abundance of fluid, energy, and sleep during delivery. Not to mention the meals you skipped while in labor. If you are breastfeeding your sweet baby you can imagine how much of your nutrients are being funneled out of you to supply food for the little one.  Your body NEEDS more nutrients now than ever. It is healing time momma and it won't be short lived so eat up and eat right! Top two tips for eating healthy and often are MEAL PREP and ORDER FOOD TO YOUR DOOR! These two things have been life savers! The best thing to do is make plenty of freezer meals while you are pregnant so when baby unexpectedly arrives you can come home to the food you like. Heat it up and enjoy! If you didn't get the chance to meal prep before baby arrived don't freak out, you can still meal prep. I know, there is no time or energy but there's a secret called ASK FOR HELP~


Seriously, no excuses! Whether or not we want to admit it we NEED help during our postpartum healing process. No momma should do this alone, it takes a support team. I asked my sweet mother in law to help me meal prep before baby was born (and after). I ate those freezer meals quicker than expected as my appetite was through the roof! She now comes over often and helps me prep more freezer meals and easy snacks to grab. Another thing Shane and I recently did was hire a friend of ours to come once a week to do our grocery shopping, meal prep, and a bit of cleaning. I was barely able to manage those tasks on my own after I had Juniper, but now with two babies  there is no way I can get all of these things done while healing and caring for them. Without asking for help I would be sinking and unhealthy but instead I am asking, eating, and thriving :) Some of my favorite meal prepped items are breakfast muffins, quiches, meatloaf, meatballs, pesto, veggie stirfrys, and casseroles. I'll be posting recipes to some of these things soon! Be sure to subscribe to my page so I can notify you when the recipies are up!

Let the laundry pile up, leave the crumbs on the floor, let the small things slide by!

Conserve your energy. Don't use all of your energy trying to get the house perfectly clean or trying to look your best. Save it for when the baby is crying in the middle of the night, when he/she wants to eat for an hour straight or any of the other unexpected energy-taking occurrences.  A clean house and a pretty face is not worth any amount of pain or suffering during postpartum. Shane now asks me to leave the toys on the floor and prefers that I take this time to heal as it's not worth coming home to a done up pretty wife with a spotless house who cannot stop crying because she is emotionally drained and in physical pain. Rest momma~

Be easy on yourself (LOVE YOURSELF!)

You are rockin it momma! You made it through the long journey of 9 months carrying and growing another human being inside of yourself. You morphed your body into a whole new form and got more emotional than you knew you were capable of! AND you delivered that sweet baby of yours safely and securely! Heck yes! You deserve love more than anyone, give it to yourself. Only be willing tell your self positive statements. See yourself with admiration and gratitude.  (((LOVE YOURSELF!)))


If the baby is fed and safe and you are alive and doing your best, you are succeeding. Things don't need to be perfect for you do be doing great. I have honestly had an experience or two of crying with my baby because I was just so sleepy and emotional, but baby was still peaceful suckling at my breasts and I was doing my best. I was surviving in that moment and so was baby and that is all that needs to be done, one moment at a time. Thinking about a full day with a baby can be very overwhelming so take it one moment at a time, breathing, crying, laughing, and sharing sweet moments with your child. You are doing it, keep on surviving, thriving, and rocking your journey through the postpartum stages of motherhood which lead you to the rest of your magical journey with your child~


Mommy Misty Jame